Diet For Free: £48,000 Product Giveaway… Make 2024 Your Year of MORE! This year we are giving away up to £48,000 worth of New You products, helping hundreds of customers diet for FREE in 2024. Here’s everything you need to know… More… M otivation More… O pportunity More… R eason to take part More… E njoyment in life And this also means MORE giving back to our customers! This year we have upped the ante. We are allocated a MASSIVE £48,000 worth of products to giveaway to our customers in 2024, meaning that you could diet for FREE! Diet for FREE: £48,000 Product Giveaway This year we have also allocated £48,000 worth of New You products to give away to our customers. So while you are losing weight you can also diet for free, simply by sharing your journey on social media. Every month we are giving away up to £4000 worth of products. Simply tag us in your social media posts and if we love it and use it, you will WIN FREE PRODUCTS. Losing weight ...