Mojo March! – Empower Your New You Find the power in knowing you’re enough with Mojo March For the past few weeks of Mojo March, you’ve been working on rediscovering your goals, learning how to manage your emotions and setting up new feel-good habits. It’s a lot to have achieved in a few short weeks. So how does it feel? How would you also feel if you believed in yourself more? If you recognised your value and power? What about if you were kinder to yourself? Did you know that Beyonce once said that if there is one person she was willing to bet on, it would be herself? Well, this is the mindset Pascale wants you to adopt too. So this week, with the help of Pascale and your workbook, you will first remind yourself of your worth and all the reasons you should be proud of yourself for. Then it will be time to give yourself permission to be enough, do what feels good to you and have everything that you want. And finally, you will be able to practice being more supportive of yourse...