Kirsten lost 3st 1lb and was named a winner in our Jan/Feb Transformation Challenge, winning £1000 cash. Kirsten joined the challenge not believing she would win, but rather to share her story with others. Here’s what she had to say.
Congratulations Kirsten!
New You: What was your biggest motivator for joining the challenge?
Kirsten: My biggest motivator for joining the challenge was my husband encouraging me to do it. He could see how much weight I’ve lost and he wanted me to feel as proud of myself as he did. When joining the challenge I honestly didn’t think about winning – it was more about sharing my story. Because if I can do it anyone can.
New You: So tell us, how much weight have you lost?
Kirsten: I started in October 2022 and so far I’ve lost 43lbs!
New You: We’d love to know how you heard about the plan!
Kirsten: My Nan initially discovered The New You Plan in her weekly Take a Break magazine. She showed me the article and urged me to give it a go. I saw the lady had lost 11lbs in the first week and didn’t believe it! So I tried and during the first week I lost 10lb!
Getting started…
New You: What led to you starting the plan?

Kirsten: Before starting NYP I was obese, depressed and never had full length pictures taken. I was the person taking the pictures. I also made sure I hung every mirror in the house at head height so I didn’t have to see myself.
New You: And tell us about that first week…
Kirsten: The first week on plan was hard. My body detoxing and the side effects that came with that weren’t very nice but I was focussed abs determined to do it!
New You: What does a typical day on plan look like?
Kirsten: My favourite pack is definitely Spicy Noodles (I could have them four times a day every day and not get bored!).

- My days consist of starting the day with 2 coffees and a litre of water! (2litres down before leaving the house!)
- At about 12/1pm I’ll have Soup or a Shake.
- 2pm is time for Crisps
- 4.30pm (when dishing kids’ tea up!) I have a shake so that way I don’t pick at their dinners.
- 6.30pm I’ll have a double meal and that’s me done for the night!
Life changing…
New You: What difference has the plan made to your life?

Kirsten: Since being on plan my life and health have changed for the better. I’ve got more energy to run round with my six children, I clean my whole house everyday and when the children suggest a walk, I no longer make excuses – I’m just as eager as them to go!
New You: What is the nicest compliment you have received since losing weight?
Kirsten: Over the past couple of weeks especially I have received more compliments than I can remember. People telling me how good I look, how much clearer my skin is, how I’m glowing. I am honestly still in shock when people say lovely things to me.
New You: What are you top tips for anyone thinking of starting the plan?

Kirsten: My advice for someone wanting to start or toying with the idea would be DO IT! It will honestly be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done. The meals are delicious and the plan is super easy to follow. Everyone on the Secret Slimmers S group is lovely and supportive. And the weight will just fall off you! So take the plunge and DO IT!
Want to join Kirsten?
Kirsten was inspired by the results of others on the Plan and now she has shared her own story in the hope that it will do the same for someone else.
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Want to get involved in our 2023 Transformation Challenge?

This year, we are on a mission to help as many men and women reach their goals for good. With this in mind, we have launched our BIGGEST giveaway ever. In 2023, you really could lose weight, win cash and diet for FREE, thanks to our MASSIVE £75K giveaway.
Get all the details in this dedicated blog post here.
The post WINNER: Kirsten shares how she lost 3st 1lb & won £1000 cash! appeared first on The New You Plan.
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