The spooky season of sweets and treats might have arrived but fear not! Check out our 13 tricks to help you stay on track, while still having fun this Halloween.
There’s no denying it… Halloween is becoming BIGGER & BETTER each year. It’s now a huge event in the social calendar with decorations, costumes and parties that (almost) rival Christmas.
And of course, like any occasion, it centres around food – most specifically, chocolate and sweets.
If you’re feeling frightened about sabotaging your results this Halloween… don’t panic. We have brewed up a wickedly delightful list of 13 tricks to help you avoid the treats this Halloween…
1. Be mindful of your progress to date and where you’re at right now
Before you lose yourself in a session of horrific binge eating this Halloween, stop for a second and remind yourself of your progress. Weigh yourself and take your measurements. Doing this will make you more conscious of your results so you will be less likely to want to stray from it. Keep your goals and the reasons why you want to lose weight at the forefront of your mind.
2. Make yourself accountable
Tell family and friends or even post in Secret Slimmers that you are intending to stick to your plan. Come up with a few tactics for resisting the temptation of sweet treats and alcohol. Or, just be upfront and say “No”, explaining that you are on a diet plan and are keen to stick to it.
3. If you’re going to a party, make sure you have someone who has your back
Even better, if you go with someone who is on plan too. If not, explain your weight loss goals to them so that they know where you stand from the onset and won’t question why you are declining food.

4. Don’t forget to drink water
People are less likely to offer you a drink if you already have one in hand, so make sure that water bottle or glass are topped up. An easy way to stop others questioning what you are drinking is to have sparkling water with ice.
5. Stay clear of the scary buffet table
One nibble won’t hurt, right?! Wrong! The best thing is to position yourself away from any food stations. Out of sight, out of mind. In case of emergencies carry a New You Bar or Snacks with you.
6. Follow your normal daily routine
Stick to your usual x4 packs and x4 litres of water so that you don’t find yourself hungry when you’re manning the goodie bowl for knocking trick or treaters.
7. If you’re a procrastinator, delay buying sweets for the goblin hoards
If the temptation is too much, try and hold out and buy sweets for trick and treater to the actual day and resist opening them until the door starts knocking.
8. Remove the temptation…
If you want to remove the sweet temptation altogether then we recommend buying treats that you don’t actually like. That way, you won’t feel like you’re missing out!

9. Focus on the positives
If you’re in for a night of trick or treating with your little ghouls then think of it as your daily exercise!
10. Steer clear of leftover
If you’re hosting a scary soiree, send any leftovers home with your guests. This will make sure that you’re not tempted by that pumpkin pie whilst you’re clearing up afterwards.
11. Save your New You treat
If it’s a night at home with a scary movie, save your New You treat for this time of the day. This means you can enjoy a little of what you love, with no ghoulish guilt!
12. Focus on the frightening facts
Did you know that a study found that the good mood feeling you get from eating sweets and chocolate only lasts 3 minutes? Think about that as you look longingly at those bite sized treats and ask yourself: ‘is my transformation worth jeopardising for 3 minutes?’ It’s really not!
13. Lastly, give yourself a break and forgive yourself.
If you do blip despite your best plans and intentions then don’t beat yourself up. Own it and remember that you’ve not failed and you still can succeed.
The post 13 Tricks to Avoid the Treats this Halloween! appeared first on The New You Plan.
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