Do you ever feel like you’re just stuck in a cycle —always putting yourself last? Like, even though you know you should be making time for yourself, even though you want to… you just can’t seem to break the loop? Maybe life has demanded so much from you that sacrificing your own needs just became the norm. Maybe it was a season where you had no choice but to put others first. But now, that season has passed… and yet, it still feels so hard to put yourself first. I’ve been feeling a bit like this lately – I am a solo parent, dealing with a lot of stress on my own, and running a business, I feel like I am always busy – but I know I need to take control and get some balance back into my life. It is time for a new season! Have you ever felt like this? Maybe you are feeling it at the moment too! You know it’s time to start prioritising YOU. You know you deserve to feel good in your body, to feel energised, to take up space, to thrive. But actually doing it? That’s the hard part.
If you don’t break the cycle, another week, another month, even another year will pass—and you’ll still be waiting for the ‘right time.’ So, let’s make THIS the week you start. Not by making huge, overwhelming changes. Just small steps.
The little things—they are easy to do, but also easy to put off. But every time you choose YOU, you’re rewiring that old loop. REMEMBER – “Nothing changes, if nothing changes!” The only person who can make the changes is YOU. So here’s my challenge for you this week:
It’s time to stop waiting. This is the week you start showing up for YOU. Leave a comment below and let me know what ONE thing you’re going to commit to this week to put yourself first. You’ve got this, and I’m cheering you on, let’s do this together! xxx New season, New You! Let’s go! x Much love, |
The post Break the Cycle of Being Stuck in a Rut first appeared on The New You Plan.
The post Break the Cycle of Being Stuck in a Rut appeared first on The New You Plan.
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