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Roasted Rutabaga Recipe

Roasted Rutabaga Recipe This easy, healthy roasted rutabaga recipe is a lower carb side dish similar to potatoes. Made with just 3 ingredients in half an hour, it's the perfect side for meat, chicken, or fish.  Get The Recipe Roasted Rutabaga Recipe Want more like this? Visit the Wholesome Yum recipe index for more natural, gluten-free, low carb recipes with 10 ingredients or less! Maya | Wholesome Yum

The Best Diet for Cancer Remission

The Best Diet for Cancer Remission   Overcoming cancer is one of the most beloved blessings from above. To ensure your long-term health and ability to enjoy many years ahead, it’s important to pay close attention to your diet so you can return to good health. Following healthier lifestyle habits, such as exercising, getting a good night’s sleep, limiting your stress and avoiding alcohol and tobacco products are some of the easiest ways to regain your health, but consuming wholesome, quality foods is the most important. A diet that consists of processed products, refined sugars, fatty meats and other saturated substances is the quickest way to spiral downward, back to failing health. Following a Plant-Based Diet Eating well should be a top priority for anyone, but it’s especially important for cancer survivors. In fact, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network swears by a plant-based diet, stating that research shows an eating regimen like the Hallelujah Diet has proven to lessen ov

Why Being 100% Changes Your Whole Life

Why Being 100% Changes Your Whole Life Being 100% on plan really changes you whole life! It is amazing the difference that it makes. In this blog post we look at 6 reasons why it changes everything. If you have been struggling to commit to being 100% on plan, this is the blog post to read. It is common that people will struggle to commit to being 100%. It is hard! But boy is it worth it. One of our customers who has been trying to commit to her total food replacement journey has been struggling for a while. Today she posted in our amazing secret slimmer’s community that she is now on day 18 100%.  This is what she said…. “Sticking to goals feels so liberating (in my own opinion) for the first time in a long time, I feel I finally have control over every aspect of my life. I have lots of challenges ahead of me this year, but one by one I am going to smash each and every one of them. Positivity really is key.” How amazing is this? We love love love love – reading customer comments l

Why Is It So Hard To Stay Healthy?

Why Is It So Hard To Stay Healthy? Have you ever wondered if your parents had to work as hard as you do to maintain their health?  Chances are, probably not.  While they still had to make good food choices, their lifestyles were probably more active than sedentary.  The air they breathed when they were younger was pure, the food they consumed was likely whole foods without the added hormones, pesticides and depleted soils of foods today. They would typically get between 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Although the stresses they experienced were challenging, their ability to handle the stresses was likely more effective than today’s people handling the fast-paced world that is filled with social media, internet and cell phones. All of these distractions and diversions can overload our minds and create a sense of imbalance and constant feelings of perpetual searching and seeking. The truth is, it really DOES take hard work to stay healthy in today’s world.  Whether you are struggling

Calories on menus – Why are they there and are they helpful?

Calories on menus – Why are they there and are they helpful? Voluntary calorie labelling on menus came into place in 2011 in the UK, which over 40 businesses have taken part in. However, from 6 April 2022, it will be mandatory by law for some businesses to display the calories in the food and drink they sell. This applies to businesses that have more than 250 employees and sell non-prepacked food or drink that someone might consume straight away. This includes restaurants, cafes, fast food places but also contract caterers, trains, ferries and planes that work within the UK.   This initiative is part of a plan to tackle obesity, as an increase in eating out has been implicated as a possible contributor. The aim of menu labelling is to help us make informed, healthier decisions about what we eat and drink. It’s also hoped that it will encourage businesses to reformulate the food and drink they offer and provide lower-calorie options as well.   What’s the evidence? On the whole, evi

22 Reasons Why 2022 Is The Year To Create A New You!

22 Reasons Why 2022 Is The Year To Create A New You! Christmas has been and gone and the party season is over.  But there is no need to feel sad because a new year has started and it brings with it new opportunities. The beginning of the year always feels like a great time to plan for your future, especially in terms of your transformation. It’s a new chapter in your life and it’s down to you to decide how it’s going to go. But why 2022? Well why not? The sooner you start, the sooner you will feel the benefits of the new healthier you, right?  Since March 2020, our lives haven’t felt our own with the restrictions of several lockdowns, the fear of COVID and the uncertainty of it all. Why not take this opportunity to take control of something that no-one else can? Your transformation. Only you are in charge of that so grab a hold and own it! If that’s not reason enough, then here are 22 more reasons that our Secret Slimmer’s gave us that might motivate you to make a start:  22 Rea

Does Exercise Worsen or Improve Memory?

Does Exercise Worsen or Improve Memory?   Exercise is widely considered to be an important part of any healthy lifestyle, but not all routines are created equal when it comes to cognitive performance and memory. Rather, the science is somewhat conflicted at points, and certain types of exercise can actually be detrimental to individuals who suffer from various conditions, including dementia. Let’s take a look at two studies that provide a wealth of information regarding both the utility and risk of regular exercise, as well as how to adapt the findings to your particular needs, goals and lifestyle. “Science is somewhat conflicted when it comes to exercise’s impact on cognitive function.” Aerobics and memory Heidi Godman, executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter, recently published a post in Harvard Health Publishing in which she broke down some of the findings of a new study that linked aerobic exercise to better memory performance. According to the author, researchers from