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A Journey to a Healthier Life: Ambassador Anne-Marie’s 4st 10lbs Weight Loss

A Journey to a Healthier Life: Ambassador Anne-Marie’s 4st 10lbs Weight Loss

Ambassador Anne-Marie has transformed her life by losing an incredible 4st 10lbs*. Her experience with New You Plan has not only reshaped her body but also renewed her confidence, energy, and outlook on life. In this blog post, Anne-Marie shares the steps she took, the challenges she faced, and the triumphs she celebrated along the way. Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey or looking for inspiration to keep going, her story aims to motivate and encourage you to achieve your own health and wellness goals. Join us as we delve into Anne-Marie’s transformative journey and discover how you too can find the new you!

Tell us what stage you are at now

My journey with The New You Plan began way back in June 2022, weighing 13st 10lb. It’s been a rollercoaster two years but I wouldn’t change a thing as that’s what’s brought me to where I am now.

During my 12-week cycles of TFR I lost 3 stone 10lb by March 2023. At this point it just felt right to begin my next chapter using Switch guidance. I was ready to work on my fitness more. My mindset felt strong going forwards into the world of conventional food. I actually lost another stone from the March to the December, which brought my loss to a total of 4 stone 10lb. I’m now maintaining at 9 stone. I have a “wiggle” room window of 5lbs for any of those life occasions, but then I keep moving along and my body balances itself back out. You have to live, experience life… the difference being I don’t allow it to snowball into a week, a month or more. I enjoy those moments but then I get right back to my maintenance plan.

What led you to starting your weight loss journey?

Two weeks prior to starting The New You Plan, I had a back operation on my lower back discs. I was already 5 years post total hysterectomy and I had reached that point of rock-bottom. I remember lying on the anaesthetic table and realising that once I was under these people would have to lift and turn over my body to put me on the actual operating table. As I counted backwards, I began to cry but something inside of me whispered that it was my time to fight.

Food was my comfort, my friend and a way to numb the secret pain I was feeling. I didn’t enjoy food anymore – it was just a way of making myself feel nothing but the discomfort of an overfull stomach. Of course it was only a temporary relief as the cycle would continue, each time actually leaving me feeling worse than I did before. One time my husband came home from work to find me sat on the kitchen floor surrounded by wrappers crying. I mean full on heart break, can’t breathe kind of crying… because it wasn’t working, it wasn’t making me stop “feeling” my emotions anymore. I didn’t tell him though, I just lied & I didn’t tell anyone about the way I really felt. Instead, I wore a mask, I was the funny girl, the one who didn’t care. But as with all masks it became harder to wear, the cracks began to appear and I began isolating myself.

Some people still don’t understand how I could have been carrying all of that hurt, self-loathing without them knowing. Some people don’t believe me. My mum cried when she read a letter I had written to myself. But I was good at playing my role, I had an abundance of lies/excuses and I wasn’t living… I was just acting out who I thought they wanted me to be.

How did your first week on plan go?

Looking back at my very first week on plan, I was still in the mindset of not expecting it to work, of myself being a failure. I wasn’t sure what the packs would be like, the portion sizes and if I would even make it past day one!!

When my delivery arrived, I loved the colourful packaging, the quotes were a thoughtful touch – I read every single one as I looked through my box.

My very first product I tried was actually the Barbecue Crisps and they are still a firm favourite of mine!

I’m not going to lie and say it was easy. I was coming from a place of over eating, self-doubt and abusing food. But as the days went on, I noticed that by taking conventional food out of the picture I was having to focus on what was going on within me – why had I reached this point? Why was I eating my emotions? Why did I treat myself and even talk to myself with such self-loathing? Of course, I didn’t get to the bottom of these within a week, but the fact that I was even letting them cross my mind without finding myself wrist deep in the biscuit tin was a huge step forward.

By day 3 I was feeling less hungry as I was beginning to register actual hunger rather than the need for comfort. I had a slight headache but paracetamol and oddly the bouillon helped with that. Every time I felt I couldn’t go on I popped onto the Secret Slimmers group and someone was always there, be it part of the team or the amazing community, they would encourage me and advise me.

By the end of the week, I was so proud that for once I had stuck with something. I was working out which packs I loved … hello Chocolate Brownie! Yet more than that I felt like I was becoming a part of a family that actually “got me.”

How has your life changed since reaching your goal?

My life is my own again. I’ve proven to myself that I CAN do hard things, I AM worth the battle and being myself is the only way to be.

Obviously losing weight means less tantrums over clothes, liking what I see in the mirror etc but for me the biggest victories have been away from the scales. Before my back operation I dragged my leg when I walked, crawled to the bathroom and lived on high dosage painkillers. After the operation it was time to build myself back up but I had been warned that I may not be able to do certain things, that my discs may well go again as I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. Yet here I am, moving my body in ways that I never thought I would again. Losing weight took the pressure off of my back and knees. Slowly but surely, I’ve challenged myself. I’m running 3-4 times per week, I workout daily, go hiking and I’m thriving not just surviving!

Yet it’s not just a physical transformation, I’ve flipped the narrative on my OWN mindset. Anxiety has always and will always be a part of me but it no longer defines me as a person.

I’ve learnt that all things will pass, it’s okay to not be okay, pressing pause doesn’t mean quitting…it means giving yourself time to actually process how you are feeling. There’s always going to be curveballs in life, some weeks I’m constantly feeling their fire, you can’t dodge them all but you can choose how you react to them. I’ve found my inner strength; relit my own spark and I’m never going back to the way it consumed my every thought. I’m worth more than that. Journaling is one of my go to forms of release. I get it all out on the paper, the good, the bad and everything in between. Then I turn the page for a fresh new day and let it go.

What has been on plan taught you? How has your relationship with food changed?

Being on plan has taught me how to listen to my body, to acknowledge between hunger, thirst or plain old boredom! It made me realise how much I had taken the actual pleasure out of eating food, when you’re eating just to try and feel good you overeat as it doesn’t actually do what you want, you stop tasting what you eat as it’s just a means to an end.

I now use food as fuel, a way of ensuring my body can carry on doing the things that I want to do. Making memories with loved ones does not have to be centred around food. It’s the people and moments that count the most.

I live my life to the full, there are days out, weekends away, family celebrations but guilt is not invited to the party! I don’t actually believe any food should have the power to make you feel guilty. If I want it, I plan it in, track it and ensure I savour it. Taking time with my meals is another lesson learned. I hadn’t realised how fast I was demolishing food before. I think it comes from being told as a child to hurry and finish your food or that you had to eat it all to have pudding. All that did was make pudding even more desirable!

I drink water before, during and after my meals. I put my fork down in between mouthfuls rather than loading it back up ready before I’ve even swallowed. This way I can register when I’m full and stop. If I want pudding then I have it… regardless of if my plate is clear or not. Sorry mum!

How do you incorporate New You products into your life now?

As part of my personal maintenance journey, I have two full TFR days per week – Monday and Friday – so the weekend is wedged in nicely! The other 5 days are calorie counting to a calorie intake that I’ve found works for me.

On my calorie counting days I like to have 1 or 2 New You products as it gives me extra protein. I’ll do things like ‘pimp up the porridges’ with almond milk, a blob of Greek yoghurt and some fresh berries. For dinner, I might have the Indian Daal pack but add mushrooms and a side of cauliflower rice.

The Shakes are perfect for if it’s a long day and the afternoon slump tries to sabotage me. They also suit my short lunch break as I can just grab a Shake or Bar and eat it quite literally on the run.

The snacks have also seen me through many an almost snaccident moment! Those wafers though… I mean come on?!

Exercise has been a big part of your weight loss journey – tell us about that.

Exercise used to be a word I cringed at. Through school, TV and social media, I saw it as something you HAD to do a certain way to lose weight, that you already had to have an athletic figure to do it, that you had to be good at it before you started. So, through the years whenever I started the latest exercise craze, I would end up giving up, feeling frustrated and not enjoying it one bit. A few years before my back op I used to run, but the extra weight on my joints made it harder. I would last a few weeks, but then I would stop again… then restart again weeks/months later and wonder why it felt like I was back at the beginning.

I started with walking once given the all clear from my post op. One day I just thought to myself, I wonder if I can run? So, I did! Taking it slowly, gradually increasing my distance. The feeling of being alive as your body moves is incredible. ALL movement matters, not just on a physical level – the impact on my mental health from exercise is indescribable. It’s part of my self-care. A time for me to think, work through any of those curveballs of life and challenge myself!

My body shape has changed a LOT and I’m proud of what I have achieved but it didn’t happen overnight. I’ve had to give it time, consistency and when motivation lacks, tap into my determination to feel good. But it’s so worth it!

What is the nicest compliment you have received since starting your journey?

We all love to hear the words of how good we look, how we look like so different. Yet for me my nicest compliment came recently. I was sat in a café. My teen diva had just told me a story of something her grandad had done and I literally roared with laughter, head back laughing till my tummy hurt. When I had semi recovered myself, I spotted an elderly gentleman looking our way. Feeling utterly embarrassed I apologised, to which he said “Never apologise for being happy… your eyes tell the story.” This really got me, as he saw me and I how happy I am. I had been pretending for so long to be happy, I had forgotten how much it actually fills your soul until you feel like it is radiating out of you. For him to see that in all its rawness was one of the meaningful things I’ve ever heard.

What has been your favourite non scale victory?

It’s so hard to only pick one but if I had to choose, I would say my very first hike that I did with my husband last year. I had been longing to go for what felt like forever. I’ve been before but again the pressure on my knees/back, being out of breath led to me just not experiencing it the way I wanted to.

So, I planned it in, counted down the days and off we went. The feeling of accomplishment when I reached the summit was something I will never forget.

If you could go back in time to when you were beginning the plan what advice would you give to yourself?

Believe… believe not only the process but in yourself. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time if needed. It’s going to be a learning curve but one you will never forget.

Now is the time to stop comparing yourself to everyone else. They may be on a similar journey but you have your own path to follow, your body works in its own unique style. Trust it!

You will be given other people’s opinions, whether you want them or not, people will judge. They may mock your choices, but that’s the thing, hold onto the fact that this is your choice. Your opinion is all that matters so do what makes you happy regardless.

 You CAN do hard things, it’s ok to not be ok… progress over perfection is the name of the game, tell yourself you got this because your mind needs to hear it from YOU!

What would you say to someone considering trying this plan?

I’m not going to lie and say this is easy but the fact that you’ve even looked into total food replacement shows how much you long for change.

Take your time to read through the information, get your head in the game and just take the first step. Yes, it’s the hardest step – beginnings always are – but what if this time it’s the beginning of YOU?! You’ve nothing to lose except whatever has been holding you back from being who you want to be. Do it for you, your journey your way.

Join Our £100,000 Giveaway… Make 2024 Your Year of MORE

Our Transformation Challenge is BACK for 2024 & it’s bigger & better than ever!!

Are you ready to make 2024 your healthiest, happiest year yet? This year we launched our biggest ever giveaway, and we’re inviting you to be a part of it. Join us on a journey of self-improvement, community, and incredible rewards.

The Lowdown…

  1. Enjoy 4 yummy meals a day: Kickstart your health journey with tasty meals that make a real difference.
  2. Share your story: Got a great update? Post it on social media and in our community. You could win awesome freebies just for sharing your progress!
  3. Snap & win: Every 2 months, send in your progress photos. You could win a share of £7000. Let’s celebrate your journey together!
  4. Go for the big prize: Create an amazing transformation and you could grab our top prize of £10,000 in November 2024. It’s all about the wow factor!

Exciting Prizes to be Won

This year, we’re giving away 52K in cash. £7,000 cash will be won every 2 months for our absolute favourite glow-ups! One overall winner will WIN £3000 cash and 4 more customers will each WIN £1000. And the grand finale? An epic £10,000 cash prize for one overall winner! Plus, if you’re a runner-up sharing your story, you’re in for a treat with thousands of pounds worth of awesome products!

Our next Transformation Challenge deadline is 31st August so it’s time to submit your I AM IN photos.

The post A Journey to a Healthier Life: Ambassador Anne-Marie’s 4st 10lbs Weight Loss first appeared on The New You Plan.

The post A Journey to a Healthier Life: Ambassador Anne-Marie’s 4st 10lbs Weight Loss appeared first on The New You Plan.



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