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£100K Transformation Challenge | Alyson’s Victory: Losing 5st & Winning £1000

£100K Transformation Challenge | Alyson’s Victory: Losing 5st & Winning £1000

Transformation stories are always inspiring, and Alyson’s journey is no exception. In this heartfelt interview, she shares her motivations, challenges, and the incredible life changes she experienced by committing to the Transformation Challenge. Whether it was her daughter’s wedding, health concerns, or simply the desire to reclaim her life, Alyson’s reasons for starting her weight loss journey are as profound as they are relatable.

Dive into this conversation to discover how she embraced a new lifestyle, the hurdles she overcame, and the joys of seeing her efforts reflected not just in the mirror, but in her everyday activities and interactions.

New You: Alyson, why did you decide to join the Transformation Challenge?

Alyson: Seeing and reading about all the transformations and before and after pictures was one of the things that actually drew me to the plan in the first place. I just wanted that to be me someday. You know what it’s like when you’re looking in the mirror and think, oh, gosh, I’m so far away from where I want to be. So I think that was it initially. I just thought it might keep me on track. I wasn’t quite ready to enter every challenge because I started back in March. I wanted to lose weight for my daughter’s wedding in August. I had a goal of 4 stone in mind and I thought that I might have some nice photos of myself at the wedding to send it. So that’s what led me to enter now. I didn’t believe for one minute I would win, especially as it was the first time I entered. I was over the moon to get your phone call because I never win anything. So I was so shocked.

Getting started…

New You: What led to you starting the plan?

Alyson: I think the main motivator was the wedding as I was mother of the bride. I didn’t want to end up in those beautiful photos that my daughter would have all her life, just feeling and looking awful. I thought I’d spoil the photos. I just wouldn’t feel very comfortable on the day because I used to get very self-conscious about my weight if I was out in quite a crowd. I was going to see people I hadn’t seen for a while. I was probably at my heaviest when I started. I didn’t want to be in a baggy dress, having to cover up all the time. I love dancing as well, and I didn’t want to be collapsing after every song, out of breath.

That was another reason for starting – I’ve got farinaceous anaemia, so I do get tired really easily. I have B12 injections every couple of months to rejuvenate me, and I haven’t even felt like I need those now. I usually know when those are due because I’m feeling really fatigued. But since being on this diet, I’m forgetting to book them, to be honest. I’m going to have my bloods taken soon because I may not need them anymore. So that would be a tremendous!

I’m able to walk better now. Before I started my mobility was awful – I couldn’t walk upstairs properly and had to support myself by holding onto the wall. I would be anxious if we were going out somewhere and I didn’t know how far from the car we would be. I hated asking people to park closer. I felt like I was moaning all the time. So I refused a lot of invites to go places and things because of that.

So those were the main reasons I started the plan – my mobility and the wedding. The difference has been amazing. I can actually run up my stairs.

New You: And tell us about that first week…

Alyson: So I prepared myself. I’d read all the advice and support that everyone was saying. I think it was about the middle of the first week, I had a terrible headache, I felt quite tired, and I was absolutely ravenous. I think it’s those points that I would normally fail, and I would perhaps go and look for something. But no, I just envisaged myself in a nice dress And I thought, right, do what everyone else suggests because they’ve been there before you. So I did. I started just keeping myself busy.

And of course, for my first week, I hadn’t bought snacks because I thought, no, I don’t need those. I don’t need the extra calories. I I wanted to just make the biggest impact I possibly could. But I couldn’t live without them very long and then I realised just how important they are, especially at the weekend.

And of course, as you go along, you build your New You Plan Arsenal, don’t you? You get your bullion, Water Flavourings, waffle maker, ice-cream plate and jelly mould. Those are the things that add a little extra.

New You: What are your go-to meals & snacks?

Alyson: At the beginning, I lived on Spaghetti Bolognese, Vegetable Chilli & Spicy Noodles. I hadn’t tried any of the sweet ones and decided to make the Caramel Cake and used one of the Shakes as a custard, and I can’t stop eating it. I look forward so much to my meal every night. It’s ridiculous. I was at the wedding thinking, I wish I had my Caramel Cake as a dessert. I love the Bars and the Tortilla chips as well. I have the Tortillas on the side with my spicy meals.

Life changing…

How would you say the plan has changed your life?

Alyson: I can’t say what a big impact it’s had. It’s literally changed everything. It’s the way I feel, my energy levels. I just feel a bit more bouncy. I’m happy. I’m smiling all the time. I mean, not that I was a miserable person, before. I’ve always prided myself on being happy. And I think you do overcompensate slightly when you’re bigger. You do become that big jokey person. But I was just really sick of sitting on the sidelines, not enjoying life.

I’d turn invites down. My friends came down from Wales, and I made excuses not to join them because they were going somewhere that I thought I could never walk there. It was just too much for me. So I just missed out on so much.

I’ve got 3 grandchildren and when they used to go swimming, I would sit on the sidelines just watching them. And I’m very pleased to say that since I’ve lost weight, I actually go swimming now. I took my grandchildren swimming a couple of weeks back after the wedding for the first time in 10 years.

After 4 weeks on plan, I bought a Fit Bit Watch. When I started, I couldn’t even do more than five minutes. And slowly, slowly, I built up. I can now do 40 minutes to an hour.

But the main thing that has changed is just my inner self. I’ve bought all new make up. I had my hair cut. I hadn’t been to the hairdresser in 10 years before I started this diet. I’m going to have my nails done. I’ve had spray tans. It’s just the way you feel. I’m just so happy. I’m looking forward to doing everything now. I can’t wait for my friends to visit. Everything’s got that excitement in it for me now.

New You: What has being on plan taught you so far?

Alyson: I’ve got to say, in the past, I’ve started a lot of diets. I probably haven’t lasted more than 4 months. So I think this is the longest I’ve ever been able to stick to a plan. And I’ve never, ever before said that I like a diet. I’ve always found that it’s restricting. You feel hard by, but this one, I actually love it. I think it’s because you’re in control of it more. The food isn’t controlling me anymore. I’m controlling the way I eat. And I think that’s the biggest thing I found. And this diet has really helped me do that because I think everything is worked out for you. You don’t have to think too much. So this is absolutely ideal for me. I probably realised I’m more determined than I thought I was. I always used to give myself excuses to get out of things.

I focused on month to month. I was thinking, right, next month, I want to go down to the next weight level. And that’s what I was doing! Seeing those numbers move really pushed me forward.

New You: Any memorable non-scale victories you’d like to share?

Alyson: I think the one was when I managed to walk up to the carnival without realising that I walked up a steep hill. My daughter actually pointed it out to me. And I hadn’t even felt a little bit breathless. My legs hadn’t felt like lead weights under me. It was just nice to feel like everyone else does. I used to stop and look in shop windows just as an excuse to stop and just take a breath without looking that I was out of breath.

Also, packing those clothes away that are too big for me now and getting out my smaller size clothes. Some of the clothes I haven’t worn for 10 years. And now even my smallest clothes, which were size 16, are too big for me. So I’m now between a size 12-14.

New You: What are you looking forward when you reach your goal?

Alyson: I’m going on a couple of holidays next year, one with my girlfriends, and then my family have invited me as well. So I’m actually looking forward to being able to go on the plane, sit down, not worry that I’m going to be squashed or not fit in the seat and that I can’t do my seat belt up.

And the other thing is just getting fitter and healthier and enjoying, embracing any new things that come along, really. Just trying things.

New You: What is the nicest compliment you have received since losing weight?

Alyson: Well, I’ve got to say, this probably doesn’t sound much of a compliment to most people, but if you knew my 7-year-old granddaughter, she is very brutally honest. So I’ve had a few not so complementary things said prior to losing weight. But she looked at me and she said: “You don’t look as big anymore”. I knew then that I was doing all right if she said that because that was the best compliment I could have got, actually.

Apart from my family who see me quite regularly, I hadn’t really told anyone about my weight loss. And one of my friends actually walked past me at and I called her and she turned around. I wish I had a picture of her face. Her jaw literally dropped. And everyone just said how different I was, how they couldn’t believe it was me.

New You: If you could go back in time to when you were beginning the plan, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Alyson: Remember to measure yourself when you first start, because I did forget that for the first week. Take more photos with your poster. I only took one and I wish I’d taken more from different angles. And take plenty of photos throughout so that you can see the comparison.

congratulate yourself every time you manage another week. And I’ve got to say, I’ve never, ever gone off plan. And I think that’s the one good thing. I know it is hard to keep on plan, but I found that most about myself. If I’m in, I’m in.

Whether you want to lose half a stone or 10 stone*, have a slimmer figure, or are just looking to get maximum nutrition in minimum time, then New You can make the perfect partner to get you to where you want to be.

Join Our £100,000 Giveaway… Make 2024 Your Year of MORE

Our Transformation Challenge is BACK for 2024 & it’s bigger & better than ever!!

In January, we kicked off our BIGGEST EVER giveaway – the £100K Transformation Challenge – where every two months, we’ve awarded £7,000 in cash prizes! Each round, one overall winner bagged £3,000 cash, while four runners-up each won £1,000. That’s not all – our customers have also enjoyed dieting for FREE, with £52,000 worth of products up for grabs simply by sharing photos of their transformation journeys.

But we’re not done yet! 2024 isn’t over, which means there’s still a massive £24,000 in cash waiting to be won between now and Christmas.

Transformation Challenge – Your Final Chances to Enter:

  • Sept & Oct: Fall Focus – Submit by 31st October
  • Nov & Dec: End 2024 Strong – Submit by 31st December

Exciting Prizes to be Won

This year, we’re giving away 52K in cash. £7,000 cash will be won every 2 months for our absolute favourite glow-ups! One overall winner will WIN £3000 cash and 4 more customers will each WIN £1000. And the grand finale? An epic £10,000 cash prize for one overall winner! Plus, if you’re a runner-up sharing your story, you’re in for a treat with thousands of pounds worth of awesome products!

Our next Transformation Challenge deadline is 30th June so it’s time to submit your I AM IN photos.

The £10,000 Grand Finale

And now, for the grandest prize of all: Our £10,000 Grand Finale!

One extraordinary individual will be crowned the overall transformation champion of the year, and with that title comes the life-changing reward of £10,000 cash, in your bank account, before Christmas!!

But it’s not just about the prize – it’s about recognising the dedication, effort, and transformation you’ve achieved. Whether you’ve shed pounds, gained confidence, seen a massive improvement to your health, completed a once unimaginable goal or completely revitalised your lifestyle, this is your chance to celebrate your hard work in a big way.

If you’ve been transforming your body, mind, and life with The New You Plan, this is your opportunity to shine. Imagine how it would feel to not only reach your goals but also be recognised as our top success story of the year. The spotlight could be on you, inspiring others on their own journeys.

The post £100K Transformation Challenge | Alyson’s Victory: Losing 5st & Winning £1000 first appeared on The New You Plan.

The post £100K Transformation Challenge | Alyson’s Victory: Losing 5st & Winning £1000 appeared first on The New You Plan.



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