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Retirement Rejuvenation: How Jim Lost Over 3st* & Gained a New Lease of Life with The New You Plan

Retirement Rejuvenation: How Jim Lost Over 3st* & Gained a New Lease of Life with The New You Plan

At 60 years old and tipping the scales at over 23 stone, Jim was ready to take control of his health and lifestyle. With his retirement underway and his daughter’s wedding on the horizon in Italy for 2025, he found strong motivation to transform. Through The New You Plan, Jim has already lost over 3st and is on a promising path to his target weight. While he acknowledges there’s more work ahead, his faith in The New You Plan remains unshaken.

In this blog, Jim shares his journey with us, discussing how he’s overcoming challenges and celebrating victories big and small. Join us as we explore how Jim is not just losing weight, but gaining a whole new lease on life.

Starting His New You Journey

New You: What led to you starting the plan?

Jim: I was at my all time heaviest weight at just over 23st. I had tried loads of different diets, lost a couple of stone, then quickly regained it with interest added! I retired 2 years ago, aged 60. I had a reality check, that there was more road behind me than was left on life’s road. I wanted my golden years to be just that and not walking around carrying the weight of two people! .My daughter gets married in Italy in September 2025 and I want to be the best version of myself I can be. I was putting on a brave face, but secretly I was struggling with walking, due to hip pain, as well as other conditions exasperated by my weight such as asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and AF.

New You: And tell us about that first week…

Jim: I felt a bit of brain fog, almost like a hangover feeling. My bowel took a couple of days to adjust but then after 5 days I was in ketosis and it’s been plain sailing since. This was the only point low really. The biggest high for me was stepping on the scales on that first Monday after being on plan for a week and seeing that I had lost 1 stone!

The diet was exactly what I was expecting and suits my personality. Losing 161 pounds would take me well over 2 years to shift on conventional diets, based on around 1-2 pounds a week. I am the sort of personality that is either doing something or I’m not. There’s no having to count calories or measure anything. And the results are there.

New You: What are your go-to meals & snacks?

Jim: My favourite snacks are the Chicken and the Salt & Vinegar Crisps. I love the Biscuits too. For meals, my top is the Spaghetti Bolognese, closely followed by Mexican Tacos. The Shakes are all fab too.

Already seeing changes…

How would you say the plan has changed your life?

Jim: My life has changed so positively! Having lost over 3st people are noticing and positive comments spur me on. Physically, I am sweating a lot less and I am more able to bend over. Walking is less effort. Health wise, I am using my inhaler so much less. I have Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and my aim is to cure this with loss of weight. I also have AF and I know my heart is going to be under less strain as the weight comes off! Mental health is so important and I know this diet has improved my mental health. I am a happy-go-lucky guy but hiding the pain and misery of being fat. I have moved down from 4XL to 3XL already and I can’t wait for the day when I can go into a shop and just buy a garment in standard size.

New You: What has being on plan taught you so far?

Jim: That everything can be achieved if you really want it. Find your why – your reason for wanting to lose weight. The trouble is, when you become morbidly obese, parking the obvious and well documented health risks, it becomes a daunting amount of weight to comprehend losing. The fix then is a Gastric bypass or little known injections. No, for me I did this to myself, nobody else, no excuses – calorie deficit makes sense. The Total Plan has taught me I can lose weight and to do it with will power and determination.

New You: What are you most looking forward to when you reach your goal?

Jim: Being able to buy clothes from normal shops in normal sizes instead of 4 XL, not having to use outsize places. Feeling healthier, able to walk further without puffing and panting. Getting in a stadium seat, without somebody scowling, knowing it will be uncomfortable with less room for them. I know it will make my asthma so much better and then I’ll be able to use less meds. I am hoping it will also mean I can stop the night mask for sleep apnea. I’m also looking forward to doing more activities, especially walks with my wife – it’s not fair on her that I’m so big. The list is endless and reaching my goal will extend my life for sure, not to put a finer point on it.

New You: Any memorable non-scale victories you’d like to share?

Jim: Non-scale victories for me are improvements in health and wellness that aren’t measured by weight, BMI, or my body size. My Increased energy is my biggest victory and this will lead to me being more active. I’m playing sport again like badminton and doing more classes at the gym that I was incapable of doing before.

New You: What is the nicest compliment you have received since losing weight?

Jim: Apart from family, my hairdresser noticed during my monthly haircut. He whispered quietly: “Jim have you lost some weight?” I said I had and how I was doing it. He said I looked good for it and to keep up the good work. He joked that he looked forward to seeing less of me next month.

New You: If you could go back in time to when you were beginning the plan, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Jim: My weight on the scales isn’t the only way to measure success. I need to notice and celebrate non-scale victory and this provides me with the motivation to long term weight loss. Appreciate the inner and outer changes I have made and keep going! Trust yourself!

Whether you want to lose half a stone or 10 stone*, have a slimmer figure, or are just looking to get maximum nutrition in minimum time, then New You can make the perfect partner to get you to where you want to be.

Join Our £100,000 Giveaway… Make 2024 Your Year of MORE

Our Transformation Challenge is BACK for 2024 & it’s bigger & better than ever!!

Are you ready to make 2024 your healthiest, happiest year yet? This year we launched our biggest ever giveaway, and we’re inviting you to be a part of it. Join us on a journey of self-improvement, community, and incredible rewards.

The Lowdown…

  1. Enjoy 4 yummy meals a day: Kickstart your health journey with tasty meals that make a real difference.
  2. Share your story: Got a great update? Post it on social media and in our community. You could win awesome freebies just for sharing your progress!
  3. Snap & win: Every 2 months, send in your progress photos. You could win a share of £7000. Let’s celebrate your journey together!
  4. Go for the big prize: Create an amazing transformation and you could grab our top prize of £10,000 in November 2024. It’s all about the wow factor!

Exciting Prizes to be Won

This year, we’re giving away 52K in cash. £7,000 cash will be won every 2 months for our absolute favourite glow-ups! One overall winner will WIN £3000 cash and 4 more customers will each WIN £1000. And the grand finale? An epic £10,000 cash prize for one overall winner! Plus, if you’re a runner-up sharing your story, you’re in for a treat with thousands of pounds worth of awesome products!

Our next Transformation Challenge deadline is 30th June so it’s time to submit your I AM IN photos.

The post Retirement Rejuvenation: How Jim Lost Over 3st* & Gained a New Lease of Life with The New You Plan first appeared on The New You Plan.

The post Retirement Rejuvenation: How Jim Lost Over 3st* & Gained a New Lease of Life with The New You Plan appeared first on The New You Plan.



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